Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What to do...

So I've been asked by everyone what do I do all day since my husband is in school.  Pretty much I'm a single mom...I expected it when we first moved out here so I had the mind set of go out and make friends.  I am not a girl's girl and even though I am very talkative I never have been really good at going out of my way to make new friends.  I was able to find some other women who have children that are my son's age and started hanging out with them.  Some of them are wives of students, others are just stay at home moms.  I've been able to do a lot out here and I try and make it a point to at least get out of the house once a day, even if that is for a walk around the block, or to the grocery store.  Here are some of the other things that I've been able to do:

1.  We go to story time once a week at our local library
2.  We've been to the museums in DC (that's one nice thing that is here and it's FREE).
3.  I got a bike and have a trailer so we've been able to do bike rides
4.  We signed up for swim lessons over the winter
5.  Our rec center has a soft play room for kids that we've been to
6.  Playdates at our house and friends house (sometimes we'll do waffles, crepes, watch a movie while the kids play we even snuck in a board game once).  We've also made valentines for the daddies.
7.  We go on LOTS of walks
8.  We've gone to lots of parks and tot lots.
9.   On rainy days I've made my way to the mall and just walked around
10.  We've even been able to meet my husband for lunch a couple of times 

One idea that I had was to do a preschool swap with a couple other moms.  We are going to try and do it in the fall when our kids are a little bit older.  The idea is twice a week at set times we will have little lessons/acitivities for the kids at our houses and rotate.  That way we get a little break from our kids, the kids get to have something a little more structured and we can take turns teaching the lessons.  I'll let you know how it goes.

Anyway, there is a little about my life...I'd love to hear what you do, and if you have any ideas

1 comment:

  1. Thats awesome that you try and get out everyday. I need to do that. I stay home most days and then Anya doesnt get as much social time as she needs I'm sure. But we did started going to story time. And I wanted to do the same thing about pre-school. I think it is a great idea and saves quite a bit of money. We also go to the park a couple of days a week. Sounds like you are doing great. You are such a wonderful mother! Congrats and I cant wait to meet the little guy. He is so handsome.
