Tuesday, February 9, 2010

1st Post

I tried to find a blog our some kind of informational forum for spouses of dental school students and I couldn't find anything, so this is my attempt to bring us spouses together and discuss dental school life from the other view.  I'm hoping this will help those people who are just barely applying, starting out, already in or leaving dental school to have a place to get some help with transitions, housing, home life ideas, what to expect etc.  Please feel free to contact me and to post comments.

A little about our story:

We are 1st year students living in Washington DC.  My husband is going to Howard University.  We live in the suburbs of Alexandria Virginia and moved out here from Orem Utah, so you can imagine how much life has changed for us.  We have a 16 month old son and I get to stay home with him while my husband goes to school.  It is quite a change from having a husband around.  I knew that I wasn't going to see my husband very much but I never thought it was going to be this bad.  He is studying NON STOP and even when he is spending time with us he is ALWAYS thinking about what he has to do next.

Hopefully in future posts I can explain a little more about our experience moving across country and what we did, and hopefully others can chime in and let me know your story also.  Hope to hear from someone out there.

Dental Wife and Mama