Tuesday, May 18, 2010

1st Year Down...2nd Here We Go

We've finally made it to 2nd year!!!!  YAY!!!!  I am so proud of my husband for doing so well his first year, as well as myself.  I was able to make it without any huge meltdowns (or so I think).  It was a lot harder than I thought but that might just be because my husband is so dedicated and actually goes to class as opposed to many other students.

Things I learned this year:

1. How to make girlfriends
2. How to entertain myself on the weekends
3. What Dartus and Craymaster are...you don't want to know
4. What formaldehyde smells like
5. More dental words than I know what to do with
6. How to live on a budget
7. How to say no to buying things I want
8. 4-6pm is the worst time of day for me and my little guy
9. How to go to sleep alone
10. How much I really love being with my husband

There were many more things I learned, and even though it was hard I'm so glad we are in dental school.  It will pay off one day. THREE MORE YEARS TO GO!!!